
Yes, I'm still alive.

It's been quite some time since I posted any kind of an update but it's not for lack of material. Honestly, it's more a lack of motivation. I haven't written anything in months. I don't know if it's writer's block or not because I haven't even tried to write anything. The inspiration and desire just hasn't been there. Anyway, I can slowly feel it creeping back so all isn't lost I guess.

So, what's been happening lately? Well, I've been back in my beloved homeland since the very end of November. I didn't do much of anything for a month except for sleep, drink, download anything and everything I didn't have, drive my mother around and go out with my father. Now, I know it doesn't sound like much fun, but it wasn't so bad either. Anyway, I seem to be coming back into some sort of normal existence and it's rather nice. I'm back on a regular exercise regime, eating healthily, going a few days at a time without smoking, drinking much less and just generally living a better life. My body and spirits have been better for it as well.

With that being said though, not everything is rosy. Every time I go out to eat here, I'm generally disgusted by what I find as well as the people there. I've sworn off chain restaurants and vow to never eat anywhere else again except for independent cafes and bars/pubs. For the record, we don't have street food—thanks to our mental laws and regulations—or that would be an option as well. No one seems to understand that hot tea is a normal drink, you don't have to dump ice in my water (or even bring me water at all if I don't ask for it), if I want to eat something I'll actually order it and that by being annoying, pushy and generally a twat won't earn you a larger tip—or a tip at all for that matter.

Why people feel the need to talk to me—or are they talking at me?—constantly is baffling. If I don't know you, don't engage you first or you aren't a female that is remotely attractive, I don't want to hear your mouth. I can clearly see that it's cloudy, rainy, cold, hot, snowing, etc. outside without you telling me. If I buy twelve beers, maybe I'll drink them all myself, maybe I'm stocking up or maybe I'm going to share them with friends. Either way, it's none of your fucking business.

Oh, and while we're speaking of beers, I'm about sick of being insulted by my ID being requested all the time. Seriously, do I really look younger than twenty-one? For that matter, the last time I bought a pack of cigarettes I got carded! It's mildly flattering the first time but after that it's just annoying and insulting. I always use my passport since the photo resembles me now and I'm used to carrying it everywhere. I'm baffled by how many people have asked me where I'm from when it clearly states that the document is a US passport and was issued in the USA. Maybe it's the multiple languages? Who knows.

The general pettiness of people has been getting me down as well. I couldn't tell you how many times it's been too hot, too cold, too loud, too late, too early, too spicy, too bland, too smoky, too dirty or something that is generally meaningless and just another example of how spoiled and pampered a lot of the people here are. I'm just happy to have a place to stay, clothes to wear, food to eat, drinks to drink and a generally comfortable, safe existence. That's more than most people can say so why can't the majority of the populace here appreciate that?

Eh, I guess I'm drifting toward negativity now so I'm going to wrap things up. The job search is ramping itself up quite a bit and hopefully I won't have to endure this much longer. I'm burning to get back on the road, off in another country and having fun again. This mundane, day-to-day existence just isn't for me.