
My sanity has reached the end of its ropes

For a nonbeliever like myself, the supernatural is a bit of a joke. However, this holiday—while bringing its own share of surprises—definitely brought the biggest one thus far: I saw a fucking ghost. You can laugh—and you probably should—but it seemed pretty goddamn real when it happened. Now, I’m going to go ahead and put it out there that I’d drunk a few beers before sleeping. However, I don’t think that a few cold ones spread out over a few hours and then about six hours of sleep would cause this.
Anyway, I was sleeping and having a rather vivid dream. I awoke, turned to the right, turned back the left and there the fucker was. It looked like a small man bent down praying. To top it off, he was flashing. I blinked my eyes a few times, turned away, looked back and he was still there. I then blinked again, rubbed my eyes, looked again and there he was still hanging about.
At this point, I raised myself up and he appeared to turn away and walk off. I did the logical thing, which was to reach out and grab him. In turn, I smashed my hand into the wardrobe and that was the end of it. My travel partner rolled around a bit and made a noise or two but that was all. I then took a shower, got dressed and went down to the lobby as it wasn’t even 05.00 yet.
Now, was this all a bit strange? Yes. Did it shake me up a bit? Yes. Do I think it was really a ghost? No. Am I most likely fucked up, crazy and insane? Yes. Do I hope it happens again? I’m not sure.
You’ve just got to love these fucked up holidays.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I don't think I believe in ghosts...but what if it was an angel? Or do you remember what your vivid dream was about? And maybe you were still dreaming when you saw the man. There's a type of dream called false awakening - where you thought you woke up, but then you wake up "again" and realize it was just a dream. Look on www.dreammoods.com. I used to write down my dreams that I remembered and go on that site to interpret the meanings of them. It says "To see or hear someone else pray in your dream indicates that you are looking for some guidance. You are feeling lost." So maybe it wasn't a ghost...just a part of your dream : )
