
Pull the Plug

Check out this mope's story. Poor old chap. He did what I've wanted to do countless times. Granted, he got his house ransacked, is now in jail and is fodder for the media, but nevertheless, I've got to give the guy kudos. Every time the damn singing erupts from my local mosque—and by comaparison, it's not that loud—I cringe and resist the urge to go apeshit. I just turn up the TV, shut the doors or wait it out. The 4am eruption used to piss me off to no end, but that was when I lived in a different house and was literally surrounded by mosques. Now, there is only one, it's small, it's not that loud and the singer actually sings in key and understands that if you put your mouth right on a microphone, it sounds horribly distorted. Wow, I'm blessed! Who knew?

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